Created from our experience to provide health tips and inspiration to those dealing with cancer
Caregivers, Family and Friends.

I Am Brad's Wife
I created this website to save folks time. What took me years to compile, hopefully saves others years of searching for answers. I hope Brads Story gives folks insight, options, possible avenues to investigate to fit each individuals unique situation. To gain insight on what lies ahead and have control of ones own health decisions is so important. I have done my utmost to verify this information is coming from trusted outlets. In your own research, please be diligent in cross-checking any website. Rule of thumb is, if there are no citations of doctors and case studies to back up the information given please check with PUBMED or KETTERING SLOAN database to verify. These websites have all of the legitimate study results and so much more eg: if I type "blueberries and aspirin interactions" in the search bar, a list of any studies will appear with interactions etc. This is a great way to tell what is legitimate info or not. Sadly, there are many websites out there that scam folks, pretending to have the cure for all types of cancer.
I (Nicola) am certified for Integrative Medicine in Support of Cancer Care from Alternative to Integrative. Unfortunately, here in the U.S. Integrative medicine in not mainstream. I am also certified for Cannabis for Pain Control. Both certifications were awarded to me by The Technion (Israel University of Technology). The Technion is world renowned for its studies of Cannabis amongst many other holistic treatments and has gathered every piece of data, case study and meta analysis possible from around the world regarding healing potential.
I am also certified in Basic Nutrition from The Health and Sciences Institute. I am a certified Imerman Angel Mentor. This is an establishment based in Chicago which connects folks (or their caregivers) with similar or the same type of cancer. Imerman Angels is a wonderful organization for support and I am proud to be an associate. I recommend anyone in need of support to contact them.
Their website is: https://imermanangels.org
