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Watch out for the Vultures

                                        It brings me the greatest of sadness to bring this topic up.

            Unfortunately, I feel it necessary. Maybe someones eyes will be opened up in time.

Once some people see the potential writing on the wall, all they think of is what they can gain from the situation. Whether it be a relative, an in-law, a tribe, a second cousin no one has met, a secret lover . . many are waiting to pounce and grab all they can when it comes to money, property, power. This can happen, regardless of who is the Executor of Estate.IMPORTANTLY . . BENEFICIARY OF LIFE INSURANCE and ANY OTHER BANKING POLICIES is of the most importance. When folks are dying, scared out of their mind, weak, Brad was drunk . . this is when the vultures sweep in. I was too busy thinking about Brad to think of money, our belongs, our home. I was watching my Best Friend slip away from me. There was no way I was gonna bring money up at a time like that. In the background, folks were thinking of our guitars, equipment and whatever else they could get. Then there was the LIFE INSURANCE POLICY and LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. I will never get a clear answer on who received Brad's Life Insurance policy, even though the one who did, told me she did (when Human Rights got involved) and then denied any knowledge, probably after she contacted a lawyer and realized there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Me being Executer of the estate and of course, Brad's Wife meant nothing. For three days of our cancer journey, I was not with Brad. He went to a party with his family and friends. I stayed home because I had recently had neurosurgery and we were afraid the plane flight may have effected me. Brad was so sick and weak, he hadn't eaten in days. He needed a wheelchair at the airport. I couldn't understand why he was pushed to go across the country for a birthday party. Now I know why. While My Husband was in his weakest moment and under the influence of alcohol, he signed his life insurance policy over to someone else. All I wish is for everyone to protect themselves. Make those hard conversations happen and be over and done with the paperwork, JUST IN CASE anything happens. Be extremely careful of who surrounds you should things take a bad turn. Hospitals have Christian Brothers or Nuns available 24/7 and are notary public's . . trustworthy people. A nurses signature will work in a pinch. I say this because sadly, many times, folks end up fighting in court for what is rightfully theirs. THE LAST WILL WRITTEN IS THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO BE BROUGHT UP IN COURT (Beneficiary is still above E.O.E.) . So, if someone on the outside shows up and has the patient write up a will, even just on a piece of paper and then a nurse signs it, this will be the last will and the rightful Executor of Estate in the previous will, will have to fight to overturn it. Some people will do anything for money and won't care how much it ruins someone else's life, then go to church and pray. On my story, I trusted them and to add insult to injury, they lied to me for three years. They pretended to care for me. Mail fraud was committed on me and Brad. Our mail was redirected to somewhere else without our permission so I wouldn't see the change in beneficiary. This was all happening while I was in hospital with Brad, trying to preserve his life and help him to not be in pain . . caring for my Love. Some people have no conscience. If they could have, they would have taken everything and left me on the side of the street. I found emails with all of the sneaky underhanded stuff going on. Unfortunately, by the time I found out about the mail fraud, the proof with the postal service was gone. As this website shows, I fought with all of my might for Brad. None of it mattered when it came to money. In fact, I was lied about, downgraded to many people including my Dad, by an inlay all so someone could feel justified in their theft. So, Please watch out for the vultures. Wolves in Sheep's clothing.

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